Saturday, June 27, 2009

Farm Tour Day Saturday June 27th

Farm Tour Day on Saturday was a great success. We had a steady amount of visitors who enjoyed the farm and shop. I must say they were some the nicest folks! Below is just a few pics of some of our wonderful guests. After the rain we have had in June the sun was welcomed by all, the visitors, the animals and Mike and I! We had a great day that ended with good food, good wine and GOOD friends! What a way to end an already wonderful day. Thanks to all who attended and all who were here to help!

We had the best people come to our farm!

More visitors on "Farm Tour Day" And meet Anastashia (blue T shirt) who will work a couple mornings on our farm! Lucky us, what a gal!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Dream Come True Farm website has been updated.

A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!

With Mike and his hip replacememnt when a leak sprung on the barn roof my niece Kelly and I decided a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. We tood care of the problem and now the critters will stay nice and dry until Mike can re-roof this end.