First Id like to thank everyone who has sent squares for the comfort afghans that will be assembled for Scarlett and her son JT! Blessings to all of you.
Ill photograph and share the finished afghans as soon as they are completed.
For farm news:
Thankfully all is well here. Its been a mild winter which I think all farmers are grateful for. The wool is coming in nicely on the critters. This time of year I'm always sinking my fingers into the wool to see how it feels and to admire the softness and warmth. The sheep love the cooler temps, you can find them laying around out in the barn yard any given evening or early morning. Chewing their cud and relaxing. Shearing time should be around May. Always a welcomed time.
Some fun is ahead of myself and my spinning friends. We are having a spinning day here on the farm January 22nd. On that Day The Wool Wench AKA Suzy Brown from the Netherlands will be hosting her spinning group. We are going to join our groups together through skype! Introductions to one another, share a little about ourselves, sit and spin together! We will then swap skeins of yarn through the mail with one another! I'm looking forward to this day immensely.
Next event for us is in Madison Ct. Its called Spin Quest, Snow Ball. A 70's themed spinning day. Sponsored by Madison Wool at a local farm. Our guest will be Arlene from Spin Artiste an on line fiber publication.
So as you can see we have some wonderfully inspiring days ahead.
It took me some time to get back into the spin of things after the tragedy, but I'm trying to be normal and be thankful for what life has to offer me. So I have been back in the Wool Cave spinning up a storm. Its amazingly therapeutic. Enjoying my time in the cave I have done a lot of work. Ill be bringing some of my newly spun yarns to Madison Wool and featuring some in my Etsy shop.
The hand knit hat project was a great success, Below is the wonderful pile of hats that we gathered from local knitters, our spinning group and from some FB friends! Delivered to a local hospital with the hopes of warming the hearts of some patients in need. Thank you everyone who gave their time in kniting these beautiful hats.
I'm also working on some ideas to share with you all through this blog. Hopefully starting next month. I will also be doing some more fiber arts videos this year to post on YouTube. Mostly educational videos.
My hot item for the winter were bott topper leg warmers! love the look of them. Here are a couple of them. The natural ones are mine and I only have the one left which is listed in my Etsy shop. Jazzy, wouldnt you say?
boot toppers
Secret Angel knitting project
My boot toppers!
Wishing you all a Happy New Year with only the best ahead of you for the New Year. Check back often for updates. And I promise to have some new project ideas soon.