The shearers arrived at 9am and the activity began immediately. They oiled the blades stepped into their overalls and the fun began. Mike and Rick had the job of sending in the sheep which were divided from the shearing area by a gate. 2 by 2 they entered to be shorn, returning back to the holding area to stay warm and dry after they suddenly became naked. Ashly had the job of cleaning up the mats in between each sheep, removing any undesired wool that had fallen. Then Ashly and I rolled up the freshly shorn fleece and packed it into a bag. Each fleece is kept in its own bag. The shearing went very smooth. After the sheep were done being shorn we injected them with their yearly injection and wormed them. They seemed happy when all was done. I bedded the barn with lots of fresh clean straw and we sent inside for a big breakfast. We served egg and veggie casserole and homemande coffee cake and a big cup of coffee for each! Now the sheep were happy and content, the shearers were happy and content and so were we. We said our good-byes to the sheep shearers and then moved all the wool bags to the front porch where Mike had already set the skirting table up so we can clean each fleece. The table is a frame with wire on it so that all the small cuts of wool and hay that may be in the fleece can fall to the ground. We all went through each fleece taking out the nasty parts, form the neck and belly area. You also don't want the leg wool. After we sorted each fleece it was rolled up and bagged, ready for the next step. Our job, done. Untill its cleaned and ready for spinning. Then my FUN begins for the year!
That was not the end of my day. A Birthday party arranged by Ashly and Rick!!! Later that day our neighbor came by along with my family Brooke Massimo and Luke for a wonderful dinder that Rick and Ashly prepared at home, cooked here and served us! What a day I had. Couldnt ask for a better day. Our good friends came by to help us shear, skirt and pack of fleeces and then celebrated my Birthday with us!! Another wonderful day here on Dream Come True Farm! Iv'e said befor but it needs to be said again Life is good here on the farm! I hope the pics below show you exactly what a day of shearing is like. Enjoy your week!
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