Friday, January 30, 2009

New England winter

Farm shop news

For the past few weeks I have been working hard on the shop. Adding new yarns, felting kits, fiber for spinning, soap, honey, jams and more! I have been spinning lots of new handspun yarns, dyeing them and offering them in my Etsy shop which you may visit and make purchases during the winter months when its hard to visit the shop.
We have had a true New England winter this year. Lots and lots of snow! The critters don't seem to mind the snow at all. Actually they seem to enjoy it. I watch them out the window and see them laying in the snow, chewing their cud with 3 inches of snow on their backs. Or chasing one another up the hill in play. The ponies chase one another nipping at each others necks in play. I must admit being snowed in with the wood stove blazing, watching the snow pile up in all it's beauty has been nice. While the snow piles up I spin and knit and my yarn supply piles up. Its a season of renewal and rest. I know that spring is around the corner with all its glory and beauty and all the spring repairs that come with a farm. So the work outdoors will begin soon enough. So for now I enjoy the rest.
We will have one open house farm visit in the spring so check back for the date. Or you may call anytime for an appointment to visit the shop on most weekends. Check back often. Im setting a goal to post weekly if not more.

Welcome to PamsFiber at Dream Come True Farm, come on in!

Lots of new goats milk soaps, honey, jams and more!

New Fiber for spinning and felting

New yarn Inventory!