Friday, September 7, 2012

FAF Fiber Arts Friday! Quick and fun idea

Hey All, here we are another Friday, so this means another week flew by! Its been a really busy week here. Lots of farm work, lots of fiber work. Its that time a year. We start to get ready for the cooler months and winter. Soon the sheep will be coated. I wait until the fleece is long enough to start getting chafe stuck inside and then I cover them after blowing out any tiny bits that may have worked its way in. This is usually around end of September when its a bit cooler. By doing this I can produce a beautiful clean fleece that has not been weathered badly. Bringing hay up to the barns and straw and storing it in every available space and taking cob webs down, another chore completed.
Of course this is the time of year that fiber arts sales kicks in. I have been creating and adding things to my Etsy shop and farm shop on a regular basis. Ill be all ready for the fall schedule. My previous post has a lot of information on our farm schedule and fiber festival and all things I'm involved with for the fall.
Today I'm sharing the" how to" on  finger knitting. Using art yarn will produce an awesome end result using the following technique. I use this with kids, who love doing it, making things that make them proud and that they can wear to show off their work.
I myself use the technique and make hair accessories, belts, lariats and even garlands adding on charms and fun things to display! But I say it again, art yarn and this technique is a lot of fun and will give you great end results.
This weekend, craft shop for the chain purchase to make and art yarn necklace! Im loving this idea. Think holidays and gifts!

Until next Friday! Happy thoughts, Happy Life! XO

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Fall Schedule for Pamsfiber

Hey Everyone! Just wanted to do a quickie blog about my schedule.  My farm shop is full of new items. Loads of new yarns, pottery, jewelry, and a lot of hand knit accessories. Just in time for the upcoming holidays. Fall is only 3 weeks away so be sure to stock up your yarns for knitting in the cooler months.  
The shop is open anytime by appointment and most weekends, but call to be sure of the day and hours 203-736-2630.   
September 30th is a Camp Pluckyfluff reunion gathering here 10-6, shop will remain open
October 11th-14th I'll be at Stitches East in the Madison Wool booth with Dayna.  She has offered a corner for me to display some things.  
October 20th-21st is Rhinebeck Sheep and Wool Festival in NY. I will be going one day but the shop will be open the day I do not attend.
October 28th I'm teaching a wire core spinning class at Madison Wool in Madison Ct 1pm-5pm if interested give me a shout or call Madison Wool.
November 3rd New England Fiber Festival it the Big E fair grounds.  Look for me at Short and Sweet Farms booth in the fiber animal building I'll be hanging around the sheep!  
November 4th class #2 creating with your wire core spun yarn.  At Madison Wool.
November 23-25th Holiday shopping in the farm shop with an Open House on Sunday,  Santa and the Mrs. Will be here, visit with the farm animals, try your hand at spinning and more. Details to follow. 
The shop will stay open weekends and weekdays by appointment right to Christmas.

Spinning lessons start up in September and go through the fall.  Beginner lessons.  Lessons for the seasoned spinner, core spinning with yarn and batts, spinning with locks and more . Give a call. 
I am an Ashford dealer, ALL products available, some samples here on the farm. Orders arrive one week from day order is placed.  
Pygora goats arrive on the farm 2nd week in October!
My Etsy shop will have regular updates starting this week.  New yarns and some really awesome new hand knit  accessories that I have designed using art yarns
Ah yes and final note: I am participating by invite in a yarn challenge sponsored by the on line magazine Spin Artiste and Picasso Moon Yarn Shop.  I'm to spin from fiber, leather and lace adding one of my own elements into an art yarn. A number of folks were invited to join in. After the yarns are spun they will travel the East Coast stopping at a number of shops for display. After the journey the yarns will be auctioned off to one lucky winner!  I can't wait to see what kind of yarn designs will be produced.  
So this is what is scheduled as of now. I certainly will add news if it pops up. As usual see you here every Friday.