I did it!I I finally accomplished the completion of my book of inspirational handspun yarns. It was an idea for a long time and then one day I finally began the task of photographing the yarns that I wanted to share. I chose a variety of handspuns and included the fiber used and the technique I used to spin them. This was such a learning experience. I finally learned all about my camera! The requirements for photographing for a book were tedious to say the least. The goal was to show beautifully spun yarns that would inspire the spinner to use their unconventional creative side. So here it is! Out Of The Box Handspun Yarns!
The book is hard cover with beautifully detailed photographs. It sells for 30.00 plus shipping. If interested please contact me at dctfyarns@aol.com
Out Of The Box Handspun Yarns