Washing a fleece
Shearing season is here and there are lots of wonderful fleeces to be had
out there! My critters are all shorn and the preparation process for spinning
them has begun.
My method for washing a fleece:
I'm asked all the time, "how do you wash a fleece?" I have a few methods,
but the easiest one that I like to use most of the time is the one when I use a
salad spinner.
The following pictures will show you the steps in order.
I fill the sink with the hottest water from my tap as possible.
Add the dish detergent (Dawn) it cuts the lanolin. I add about a tsp.
Fill the basket from the salad spinner with fiber. Not packed solid but
full with a little push and then add a little more.
Put the spinner in the water in the sink. The water should cover the
spinner and fiber well
In a few minutes I lift the salad spinner up out of the water about 3-4
times letting the dirty water drain from the spinner each time.
Let the spinner with wool sit for 20-30 minutes, not letting the water cool
down to much or the lanolin will redeposit itself onto the fleece leaving it
Next drain the sink and fill with the hottest water for your first rinse .
Let sit 15-20 minutes. Lift in and out once again a couple of times-drain and
repeat 2-3 times, rinse #2 I add about 1/4 cup vinegar, this helps rinse out
the soap and leaves the fleece shiny. Rinse # 3 I add about 7-10 drops of
lavender essential oil, this treats the wool and helps repel moths while waiting
to be used, not to mention the slight smell of the lavender . But of course this
is optional.
Next you will place the basket back into the salad spinner and spin!! Empty
spun water and repeat until there is no water spinning out from the wool
Notice I have not agitated the wool in any way at all. My hands never touch
it until the final spin.
Spread onto a wire screen for faster drying or onto a towel and turn
every 4 hours or so, so the wool will dry evenly.
This is my favorite method of washing wool for a few reasons. It does not
allow any wool to accidentally go down my drain, I don't have to handle the wool
once I begin the washing process and finally the spinning of the wool in the
spinner, taking out excess water allows it to dry much quicker.
I hope this will help those of you that wonder how in the world you'll
clean that fleece!
I do an entire fleece in this method. I can do a little each day of spend a
few hours doing an entire fleece.
Soaking in soapy water
Lifting up and down
Rince until water is clear
Essential oil
Spinning the water out
Fiber drying on wire rack
Needed items
Dried fiber
I hope this all makes sence to you. E-mail me with any questions or comments dctfyarns@aol.com Ill be glad to try and answer any questions.