Monday, April 4, 2011

A new chapter here on the farm and a wonderful morning spent

After spending time with the folks who have taken the boys yesterday and being in touch with them right through the entire trip and the unloading of the boys to their new farm, I am at total peace. I must admit when they drove away it was quite emotional for me but when the first call came from them and then pictures and comments followed that evening I had a deep sigh of relief and peace. This morning, more pictures and comments then my first visit to the barn yard for morning chores made me realize with no uncertainty that I made the right and best decision.
The boys are happy and safe, my work load is lighter and my back says Thank you!

As you can see this morning on the farm was quite nice, still lots to love and care for and be loved by....ahhhhhh

Peace in my heart, relief in my mind

After spending time with the folks who have taken the boys yesterday and being in touch with them right through the entire trip and the unloading of the boys to their new farm, I am at total peace. I must admit when they drove away it was quite emotional for me but when the first call came from them and then pictures and comments followed that evening I had a deep sigh of relief and peace. This morning, more pictures and comments then my first visit to the barn yarn for morning chores made me realize with no uncertainty that I made the right and best decision.
The boys are happy and safe, my work load is lighter and my back says Thank you!

Now the visit to the barn yard was quiet and peaceful. It was very enjoyable because my sheep who were always under the feet and pushed around by the alpaca were all slow moving, extremely friendly and very interested in all that I was doing. I realized in that hours time outside that they have been in the shadow of the alpaca boys. The alpacas were such characters, so friendly and inquisitive that sheep got pushed aside. So now the sheep are front and center stage. A new chapter in the barnyard. I'm happy with my decision and mostly I know it was the right thing to do. I enjoyed my time this morning in the barnyard, we shared snacks, there was quite a bit less clean up, I sat around with the gang and took lots of pics. My Dream Come True still exist, just another chapter of it.... Life is good.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Bittersweet News From Dream Come True Farm

Today April 3rd I have a sad but a necessary decision to tell you about. Some of you know that I have had a terrible fall and winter with a bad back. A back that has kept me from participating in life the way I'm use to. I was diagnosed with a spinal condition that will progress as I age, something I had thought I could refuse to do, ageing that is! HA, well life happens, and here I am. Doctors wanted to do spinal fusion surgery on my back this year after I went through 8 weeks of PT with no relief. I have chosen alternative methods of treating this which I'm happy to say has given me much relief, but wont cure the condition. So the bottom line is I have to lighten my work load, to prolong or hopefully put off any kind of serious back surgery. My husband Mike does so much around here as it is and works his full time Phone company job, I just can't keep adding chores onto his list. So as sad is this is, I have made the decision to move my alpaca boys to a new farm. The GOOD news is they are going to a wonderful farm in Windsor CT and will be cared by for by two wonderful people who have seemed to just fall in love with the alpaca boys.The farm itself is called The Foster Family Farm. You can view them on FB. Its a gorgeous setting, beautiful grass paddocks, corn fields, they produce their own hay and they have miniature donkeys. Sheep will be added to the farm when the times is right. I'm very happy with this home for my boys. I don't thing I could have found a better place. My work load will much lighter with the boys gone. They are a strong animal that needs to be handled every 6 weeks for worming injections, they produce much manure that I clean and haul away each and everyday and the hay that they eat needs to be brought from our bottom barn up to the top barn for storage. So you see, the work will be less. My Babydoll SOuthdown sheep will still be here, my two Nigerian goats, the two llamas and the miniature horse and the pony will remain. The additional good news is I will continue to have access to alpaca fiber for spinning and dyeing from a farm here in CT. So alpaca supply will still be available. I may even seek out some more CT wool growers that would like to sell their fiber.
Its a bittersweet decision and a necessary decision. My boys will be missed not only by us, but by their barnyard friends. It'll take a few weeks but all will settle down around here and we'll know that the right decision has been made. I'll always have a spot in my heart for the boys. My other barnyard friends will help me through the adjustment.
Dream Come True Farm will still be here, thriving and enjoying life. We're a tough bunch!

We will miss our boys but they are leaving us with some great memories and now they will bring some great memories to a new farm. Enjoy the boys Foster Famil Farm!! I know we did.