Friday, August 19, 2011

Dream ComE True Farm and PamsFiber Blog Updates!

Hi All, I'm writing a quick update today because I have been so darn busy here on the farm. Lots going on. All good. I have been spinning, knitting, listing items in my Etsy shop, getting the farm shop ready for the fall and finally re-introducing the Spinner's Notebook to all you fiber artists. Some of my knitting is below. Knitting these great 8 foot long skinny scarves for the fall has been a blast. I have a lot more to knit up. I put some great handspun aside for this. Spinning silk was a challenge but once I got the hang of it, it went smooth as silk!! A skein I did id shown below and listed in my Etsy shop. The previous listing is all about the Spinner's Notebook if your not familiar with it. Check out my post. Well, better run, the wheel is calling to me....Enjoy your weekend coming up. Spin on, Pam

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Spinner's Notebook is back on the shelves!

New copies are assembled and up on the shelves ready to ship. Contact me through e-mail if interested or visit my Etsy shop, contact for Etsy far left column.

The Spinners Notebook - All About Wool...
A book about Wool...from Dream Come True Farm
Pam Blasko - Dream Come True Farm

Book review done by Linda Cortrigh, "Wild Fibers Magazine" "Samples that will make your fingers want to dance"

The Spinners Notebook is designed to assist spinners, knitters And all fiber artist in collecting and documenting samples of their favorite fleeces, roving and yarns. Make notes about quality, characteristics, purchases, etc. Write all over it and make it your fiber diary. What worked? What didn't? Include sketches, photos or swatches of your handspun or fiber sample.

You will find information and actual fleece, roving or even handspun yarn samples from the fiber animals themselves! (30 pages of samples ) From some of the most wonderful breeds. ...but it is only a small dent in the list of choices. Thus, I added a section called "My Favorites" for you to add your favorite fleeces, knitted swatch, yarns or blends -- and don't forget to tape a sample of the fleece or a piece of handspun or a swatch in the space provided. In addition to "My Favorites" there will be a section for your "Patterns," and "Dyer's notes,"with instructions and suggestion for natural plant dyeing with samples of some natural dyed yarn. Everything you need to keep a complete informative diary on all of your fiber arts projects. In the beginning of the book there is an important reading on endangered sheep and more. This is a great tool that you help build yourself as you add all of your experiences to what we have started for you.. A MUST HAVE BOOK FOR THE FIBER FANATIC! YOUR TO FILL! YOURS TO COMPLETE AND SHARE WITH OTHERS! A fiber treasure hunt!

We started it, now you complete it!!

Finally, the Notebook includes contact information about most of the Shepherd's who supplied the samples so that you can contact them for more of these wonderful fleeces! This book will grow with you as you expand your fiber experiences.

*this is not a professionally bound book, this is a notebook put together here on our farm* Easy to add to.
*Samples may vary due to the availability from shepherds, time of year, shearing schedule etc.* Some are even as far away as the UK! Shipping fees become an issue at times from the UK