Well, well, well. Where to start? I am so behind in my blogging that I don't know where to start. I'm going to try not to make this to long with a bunch of boring details so I think I'll download some photos with a brief description of what has been going on with fiber and farm activities.
Weaving has become a passion of mine .I'm using The Ashford rigid heddle looms. I have the 8" 12" and 32" looms. I'm using all my handspun yarns and enjoying every minute of featuring them in my weavings. I'm exploring traditional and saori weaving. These are just a few of what has come off of my looms.
Im also in the Tour de Fleece spinning which is through FB. Threeravens yarn and fiber studio is hosting seventy something spinners! I'm sharing a couple of my favorite yarns that I've spun during the "tour" Its been a lot of fun seeing everyone's yarns. And such inspiration. Thank you Christiane Knight from Threeravens!
This red yarn was a fun project that was thrown in the Tour de Fleece on Sunday night. We were asked to spin a Dexter yarn or a True Blood Yarn, from the shows. Mine was from the show Dexter. Creepy???? YES CREEPY!
Fabric spun yarn. From vintage fabric. My plan is to knit a market bag.
I hosted a weaving project at a celebration of life for my dear friend Scarlett's son who was killed in the Sandy Hook Newtown school shooting. We all came together on Jesse Lewis's 7th birthday to celebrate his wonderful but short life and wove this saori style weaving throughout the day. It was then given to his Mom as a community of sharing and weaving love for little Jesse and his Mom and brother JT. It was a huge success. Thanks to EVERYONE who wove that day. Especially Ashly, Suzy, Annie and Leslie.
The goat kids got a new bench built for them in their stall area. They love to climb and jump so they are in their glory..Thanks to Mike!
BIG farm news! These two kids (pygora) will be arriving here on the farm to join the other kids in October. They were born in April/May and will make the trip from Oregon when the summer months end. To hot to make the cross country trip this summer. Are they the cutest? I'm in love. Thank you Lisa from Hawks Mountain Ranch in Oregon who keeps me up to date on the kids personalities and updated photos.
In June Esther Rogers from Jazzturtle made the trip from NC to come and teach on our farm her mad creative batt techniques. It was a great success. Twenty women in all, lots of fiber and food and so many laughs! Thank you Esther for a wonderful inspirational weekend. We had a blast.
This is a quick update for now. This is not all the news I have to share so I'll be back in a few days with the rest of what has been happening! Its been a busy few months! Not to mention the heat we have had! I won't even go there!
Stay cool and enjoy life!